2nd annual riverton community thanksgiving dinner

To our greater community,

This Thanksgiving, we all have an opportunity to gather together and cherish what

matters most with the 2nd Annual Riverton Community Thanksgiving Dinner! This

event was a community vision and dream for years that became a reality and a

success in 2023.

Now, we hope to help make this year’s event even better. Beginning at 11:30 AM on

Thanksgiving Day, November 28, you are invited to join your family, friends, and

neighbors at the Fremont Center for a classic Thanksgiving dinner.

If you like, you are welcome to bring your favorite or traditional dish to the

community meal at the Fremont Center; however, this is not a requirement to


To arrange a meal delivery, call the Riverton Senior Center at 856-6332.

There are also plenty of volunteer opportunities available to help with the event. If

you are interested in volunteering, email the Riverton Chamber:


If you would like to donate to the Community Thanksgiving, mail your check to the

Riverton Chamber of Commerce and designate for Thanksgiving Dinner.

Thank you so much!

Most sincerely,

Riverton Chamber and Visitors Center

Contact Alma Law for more information and updates.  almalfre6@gmail.com

If you would like to make a monetary donation, contact the Riverton Chamber at 307-856-4801.

Thanks to our Sponsors, Donors & Volunteers!

Fremont County Fair

Riverton Key Club

Riverton Rotary

The Soldier's House

Foundations for Nations

Riverton Rescue Mission

Riverton Mennonite Church (Pavillion)

Central Wyoming College

The Print Shop

The Trailhead Restaurant

Bunks BBQ

Fremont Local Market
